ADRA Bulgaria is helping with recovery after severe floods

ADRA Bulgaria is helping with recovery after severe floods

 After severe floods hit Bulgaria, ADRA Bulgaria responded. Since the summer, they have cleaned the homes of the affected population and provided them with essential items, food and support.

Tragedies are perhaps a test of our empathy – the one we say we have,” they wrote with several posts on social media highlighting the urgent need for action.

ADRA Bulgaria is now on a mission to clean and dry houses before the winter. As they report, the only ones are looking after the people. “Modestly – house by house, we are changing life after life,” they are determined.

Seventy pieces of professional absorbers will now be available to the houses affected by the flood.

ADRA Serbia also got involved. “We thank them for the support, for sharing the experience, and for the kindness,” ADRA Bulgaria said.