ADRA Slovenia is urgently collecting humanitarian aid to help people affected by storms and floods in Slovenia.
Storms have been raging in Slovenia as well as the whole of Europe for a couple of months now, but over the last days there was exceptional damage in many cities and homes across Slovenia. As a response to the crisis, Humanitarian Association ADRA Slovenia, as in the past 20 years, opened a donation appeal to offer urgent help and support for people affected! In 2015, ADRA Slovenia we also received a bronze award for assistance to the Civil Protection in Crisis situations.
Slovenia has already experienced a tornado, an earthquake, a massive amount of current, road closures, blown rooftops etc. The number of people affected by this crisis is increasing hour by hour – Slovenia has not experienced such disaster for a long time. People in Luče are waiting for help on their roofs. The team tells: “In our office in Ljubljana, which is next to the clinical center we can hear sirens sounds constantly and helicopter circling to help on the field!”
In almost all municipalities in Slovenia, damage has occurred. The help that will be needed will be long-term, therefore there is an urgent need for financial resources. In this way, ADRA will be able to help people in a way that best covers their needs. In the event of a disaster in Slovenia, ADRA Slovenia is always one of the first to respond professionally and in accordance with the national response to all types of disasters.
You can help the people in Slovenia and support the work of ADRA Slovenia in these circumstances here: