ADRA House receives additional funding from the Municipality of Bucharest
ADRA House, operated by ADRA Romania, received funding of 160,000 lei (32.550 euros) for the programmes in the next four months from the General City Hall of the Municipality of Bucharest in order to support victims of domestic violence within the Reception Center in the Regime of Emergency for Victims of Domestic Violence.
“What can be nobler than to extend a helping hand to your fellow man, and to do this supported, wholeheartedly, and with serious and dedicated people? The partnership between the capital city hall and ADRA Romania continues by supporting the Emergency Reception Center for Victims of Family Violence – Casa ADRA. Following the evaluation, the decision of non-refundable financing from the local budget of the Municipality of Bucharest for non-profit activities of local interest for the “ADRA House” project came naturally, proving trust in our partners and encouraging activities to assist victims of domestic violence”, said Cosmina Ioana Simiean Nicolescu, Director General of the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest – DGASMB.
Since 2009, ADRA Romania runs the “Emergency Reception Center for Victims of Family Violence – ADRA House”. The objective of this project is the social reintegration of victims of domestic violence through shelter, social counseling, psychological counseling, emergency medical assistance, food and guidance to a lawyer. The lives of the beneficiaries housed in the center have been changed because they have known a different way of living: without physical, verbal, economic, psychological, sexual and religious violence, based on spiritual values and cultivating healthy habits in food, physical exercise, training and recreation.
“Casa ADRA” is more than a center, it is a place where assisted persons, victims of domestic violence, make a stop on their way to peaceful life, after some of them have endured years of feelings of humiliation, suffering and fear. Together with the Bucharest City Hall, we can offer a new start in life to these people”, said Robert Georgescu, Executive Director of ADRA Romania.
Between 2009 and 2021 ADRA Romania helped 3,552 victims of family violence, mothers and children, of whom 1,015 received accommodation at “Casa ADRA”.