ADRA Hungary serves refugees

Ongoing assistance for refugees arriving in Hungary

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine ADRA continues to provide assistance both in Hungary and in Transcarpathia, in cooperation with local organizations. Domestic reception centers have been established all over the country.

Over time, a nationwide network of domestic reception centers has been established. In addition to ADRA Hungary’s four reception points close to the previously established border, reception points were established in and around Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Additionally, many volunteered to host the refugees themselves.

The number of arriving refugees has decreased in recent weeks, partly due to the child protection legislation enacted by the Ukrainian government, which allows a child to leave Ukraine only if his or her escort can obtain a notarized consent from the parent(s). Furthermore, the locals also report that leaving the war zones in Ukraine as civilians are not easy nor safe.

ADRA Hungary is also involved in the organization of relief deliveries. Many receive different packages that include food, sanitary products, cleaning supplies, bedding, and similar. They also hosted journalists from Japan at the end of May, who came to learn about the work of ADRA Hungary for refugees from Ukraine and to conduct interviews with the refugees accommodated and the volunteers caring for them.

ADRA HUNGARY reception centre
Foto: ADRA Hungary
ADRA HUNGARY Japan journalist visit
Foto: ADRA Hungary