ADRA Switzerland sent almost 4000 packages for Moldovan and Ukrainian children
With the “Pack it Päckli” campaign, 3990 Christmas packages and more than 80 boxes of clothing ADRA Switzerland sent to Moldova.
“This year, not only Moldovan children who live in the poorest conditions will receive gifts, but also around 200 Ukrainian refugee children who live in Moldova,” Monika Stirniman from ADRA Switzerland explained. “This is a special situation that we at ADRA want to consider. We can’t forget these children as a part of this campaign,” she adds.
Stirnimann announced this year’s action set a new record with almost 4000 packages packed and delivered. “We are happy about the solidarity this campaign shows yearly to give children in Moldova a great Christmas surprise. When you see many families’ poverty, such a Christmas package from Switzerland is a real highlight for the children.”
The need for help in Moldova is still great. Therefore, not only are Christmas packages distributed when ADRA Moldova employees visit the families, but clothing and food packages are as well, as Monika Stirnimann confirms. “If we were to consider all the requests that ADRA Moldova receives from various social services, we would need over 30,000 packages. So we still have a big goal ahead of us.”