Earthquake in Morocco: ADRA mobilizes aid

Brussels (updated 13th September 2023): The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is stepping up emergency response efforts to assist victims of the powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Morocco 70km south-west of Marrakesh on Friday night, September 8th, 2023. 

The earthquake affected around 300,000 people and killed at least 2,900 and is recorded as one of the most deadliest quakes to hit the country in more than 120 years. 

Local authorities have identified emergency s​​​​​helter, water and sanitation, and healthcare as the greatest needs. 

Picture: The earthquake has caused wide destruction, such as here in the region of Taroudant. © Maghreb Arabe Presse, 2023 on

ADRA has deployed an Emergency Response Team to the affected area, that is currently doing a field assessment and works to provide assistance in collaboration with ADRA Spain and local partners during this critical time. 

Contributions to the international emergency funds of your local ADRA office are encouraged as they will enhance ADRA’s readiness to resond effetively when deploying to the field. Your support can make a significant impact during moments of crisis, such as natural disasters, conflicts and other catastrophic events, like the response in Morocco.  

Picture credit: © Maghreb Arabe Presse, 2023 on