Education Incubator on May 5th 2022
The EDUCATION SUMMIT aims to provide a platform for an international and cross-cultural dialogue where people from different parts of the world and diverse communities can contribute to a broad vision for educational excellence and equity for all children and youth.
The three aims of this summit:
- To share the essential practices when addressing the challenges of access to education around the globe
- to promote visionary thinking about making education accessible for all children
- To explore a specific aspect of faith communities as local actors in bringing every child everywhere, in school.
Action STEPS:
- BRING TOGETHER experts in education, social innovators, investors in education, decision-makers, people from faith-based organisations (FBOs) and other civil society organisations (CSOs), out-of-school children and teens, parents, …
- EXPLORE possible solutions and the role of FBOs in access to quality education.
- ACCELERATE and promote solutions and good practices inside local communities.
Context: At the most fundamental level, the world has still not achieved its governments’ commitment to providing access to education for all children. At the same time, there has been remarkable progress worldwide in giving millions of children, including girls, access to primary education. Millions of children never receive any schooling, primarily girls and children in conflict zones. Governments usually provide primary education, but since many of these children are in “weak states,” much of the discussion focused on the role of nongovernmental schools and organisations in reaching the hardest to reach and on the need for schools to be declared “protected zones” in times of conflict.
Historically, communities of faith have played an essential role in social welfare and education. For decades, donors’ engagement with religions and faith-based communities had not been an issue in Western development. In the past years, faith communities’ role in development has become taken into account more and more. A significant part of development aid goes to regions where religion is an integral part of social life. In some of those regions, faith-based organisations provide half of all aid and education services. Sometimes, religious leaders are the only way to reach local communities. Therefore, the international community should consider the work of FBOs on the ground, especially in the light of localisation and equal partnerships, which are high on the EU agenda.[1]
On the 20th April 2021, the first EDUCATION SUMMIT was organised, titled Education Accelerator (more about the event here). Accelerator brought together leaders and experts from governmental institutions, non-profit sectors, development and humanitarian workers, journalists, reserachers, practitioneers, faith leaders, and researchers. Speeches of all speakers are available here (link to the document). Education Incubator is the next step in our collaborative efforts to bring education opportunities globally to every child and youth.
[1] Source: (Briefing on The EU and faith-based organisations in development and humanitarian aid, 2017)
CET/Brussels time
13:50 – 14:00 Online cafeteria
14:00 – 14:20 Opening session
14:20 – 14:50 First round of breakout rooms discussions with facilitators
14:50 – 15:00 Break
15:00 – 15:30 Second round of breakout rooms discussions with facilitators
15:30 – 16:00 Reporting about group's discussions
16:00 – 16:20 Questions & answers
16:20 – 16:30 Closing
Discussions Rooms

Role of FBOs in tackling inequalities in education.

Addressing school access for children affected by armed conflicts.

Main challenges of inclusion in education concerning minorities, disabilities, marginalisations, migrations, absenteeism.

How to influence European decision-makers to invest in education in emergencies?

Measures to prevent school absence caused by period poverty.

Lessons learned from the impact of the pandemic.

Child bride versus educated girl child.

Access to education as a disaster risk reduction strategy and a recovery tool after emergencies.

Education in the context of climate emergencies: The environmental voice of global citizens.

Rachel Warwick
Rachel Warnick is a specialist educator, learning designer, and a teaching and learning strategist. She strives to make a global impact by leveraging visionary pedagogical approaches to make education systems more equitable and accessible. To this end, she is a global nomad serving as Director of Programmes at Professors Without Borders (Prowibo), traveling the world to manage and deliver intensive programmes focused on the core 21st century skills essential to business and academic success. Rachel also serves as a Trustee, providing specialised educational expertise to the Board.
She has worked with many institutions, as well as private and corporate clients, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. She also has an extensive track record of volunteer work in the UK, Africa, and Asia. The experience of living in fourteen countries on four continents gives a global perspective to her life and work. Rachel holds an MSc in International Management from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London and spent fifteen years in the business world, gaining valuable experience in the finance and non-profit sectors – most notably with Goldman Sachs and the UNHCR – before returning to education.
Rachel is the president and founder of a Mauritian NGO that empowers young people to be active change-makers, helping to build a new generation of youth who develop into strong, empathetic, and resilient community leaders and global citizens. She is also a National Geographic Certified Educator (exemplary rating) and a Teach SDGs
Ambassador. She serves as an Executive Committee member of the SADC Great
Green Wall Initiative Civil Society Organisation Network.

Max McKenzie-Cook
Desperate problems call for desperate measures!
“Max Mckenzie-Cook is an ordained minister with over 10 years of experience within the South England Conference (SEC). His passion resides in urban ministry and specialises in asset-based community development. Currently, he serves as the Director of Community Services in the SEC and is a lead Champion for I AM URBAN.
Furthermore, Max contributes to the development of leaders across the Trans-European Divison as a lecturer at Newbold in Pastoral Ministry and One Year in Mission programs.
Max is a life-long learner and has a BA in Law and Theology, an MA in Systematic Theology, and an MBA specialising in Organisational Development and Change.
During his time in ministry, Max has recognised an incredible opportunity for us to provide a voice for the most marginalised members of our communities. It is a compelling demonstration of the love of God, and he continues to minister in this capacity.”

Renato Cursi
Colourful palette
Executive Secretary at Don Bosco International, the Brussels-based liaison office of the Salesians of Don Bosco at the European Institutions.
Ph.D. candidate in Youth Studies at the Salesian University in Rome, holds a Master Degree in International Relations and a Post-Graduate Degree in Peace Studies.
On behalf of Don Bosco International, promotes advocacy for children’s and young people’s social inclusion and integral human development through education in Europe and beyond.

Herma Percy
Beat inequalities by a long chalk
Dr. Herma Percy is the new ADRA International Advocacy Director. She heads ADRA’s newly established advocacy unit and works to develop the unit and its worldwide advocacy initiatives. She is the editor of the newly launched Advocate digital newsletter that provides tips, effective strategies and “how to” guides for advocacy. She supports the global network with strategic assistance, resources and funding to build capacity for advocacy and is working to enhance the Every Child. Everywhere. In School campaign in the pilot countries. She is also working to build coalitions to amplify ADRA’s advocacy voice and developing partnerships with the General Conference, divisions, unions and SDA organizations and churches to assist and advocate for refugees. She is spearheading the world church’s World Refugee Sabbath plans and resources to be used by the global church body.
Dr. Percy’s brings wide-ranging expertise to her position at ADRA from leading successful national and international advocacy and public education campaigns, developing successful long-term strategic advocacy and communications plans on issues such as science & education, the environment & conservation and protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that received a direct response from the President of the United States to whom the advocacy campaign aimed to reach with the message. She also worked on issues of women’s health and obstetrics & neonatal nurses, multinational pharmaceutical companies on prescription cost and regulation, and worked for international organizations in public affairs and communications including NASA – GLOBE science & education program in more than 100 countries, and as an education analyst for the World Bank East Asia and Pacific Region and Latin America and the Caribbean, and authored the chapter in the World Bank publication, “Improving Quality and Access in Education.”
She contributes U.S. political commentary on BBC News Derby and was a guest and contributor on their International Roundtable on Race Relations. Her political analysis is also featured in her various newspaper columns across the United States. Her media background includes working as a news anchor for the highest revenue generating radio station in the U.S. with the highest ratings in Washington, DC., and she has worked as a news director, talk show host and producer at seven radio and television stations including C-SPAN networks that exclusively covers the gavel-to- gavel legislative deliberations of the United States Congress. Her journalism skills-set is utilized for effective media relations in her advocacy work.
Dr. Percy also has vast political insight and working relationships with decision makers that provide invaluable tools in strategic planning. Her political background includes working on Capitol Hill, U.S. presidential and congressional political campaigns to working as a political campaign manager and political strategist. The Takoma Park City Council also appointed her to serve on the city’s Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Committee to establish programs and policies for man-made and natural disasters. She also taught private-public partnerships for disaster response to FEMA, the U.S. national government disaster response agency.
Dr. Percy’s teaching experience extends to her tenure as a Political Science and Homeland Security professor with extensive research and publications as well as political analysis at trade conferences and in the media. She is the author of three publications and her most recent book is, “Will Your Vote Count: Fixing America’s Broken Electoral System.” She has also written for church publications such as Adventist Review and Message Magazine.
She is a frequent church guest speaker, panelist and conference presenter on her social research and data analysis that assess and explain social and political phenomena and the correlation with Biblical principles and the Spirit of Prophecy. She serves her local church as Sabbath School Superintendent and is a third generation Sabbath School Superintendent in the Percy family that has been in the SDA denomination for about 100 years.
Dr. Percy minored in theology at Oakwood and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications with a minor in Religion from Oakwood University, where she began her journalism career at the campus radio station. She has a Doctorate and Master of Arts in Political Science from Howard University.

Jonathan Telfer
Erase war conflicts
Jonathan Telfer works for ADRA Norway as a Vocational Education Specialist, and has a passion for innovation and partnerships with the private sector. He is currently the Chair of the ADRA Networks Education Technical Learning Lab. His background is education programming in conflict and post-conflict settings in East Africa and Myanmar.

Ana Alburqueque
Keep the globe moving in the right direction!
Ana Alburqueque is the ADRA South Pacific Regional Technical Advisor
University degree in Education and Master’s in social politics- promotion of Children’s rights, she has been working for more than 20 years in development and humanitarian programs. She has vast experience working in South America, East Africa and the South Pacific. She has a Diploma in Environmental Education and Inclusive education.

Samuel Muthamia
Child marriage cuts short girls´ education
Samuel Muthamia is Education Project Manager at Adventist Development and Relief Agency Somalia (ADRA Somalia). Mr. Muthamia has been implementing education interventions in Somalia since 2008 and is well versed with the entire project planning and management cycle for emergency and development education interventions, and possess considerable experience managing education projects funded by several donors including EU, DFID, Education Cannot Wait, UKAID and UN-OCHA among other key donors. Mr. Muthamia also Chairs the ADRA Education Technical Learning Lab (ETLL), a think-tank of education practitioners drawn from the ADRA Network. He possesses post graduate qualifications in Development Communication as well as International Cooperation & Humanitarian Aid.

Michelle Lewis
Michelle Lewis Sandall is currently a Senior Education Adviser (lead for Gender and Social Inclusion/Disability) for the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC), a global programme which is enabling up to 1.52 million girls across 17 countries to access learning opportunities. This is funded by UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Michelle has over 30 years’ experience working in education, including in emergency and post emergency country contexts. Since 2000, much of this work has been with ADRA in various positions and consultancies. Her research and experience has focused on: gender and social inclusion, disability inclusive education, and education in emergencies. Countries of experience include Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Niger, Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Kenya, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka and Peru.
Webpage link to GEC: – FCDO – GEC (

Marcio Gonçalves
Lessons to fill up our notebook
Marcio Goncalves was born in Brazil, but grew up in England, the US and Germany, before moving back to Brazil at age 15. It is there where he studied to become an educator and had his first ten years of professional experience as a teacher (musical instrument, English, German, Religion, later Maths & Physics) and as an administrator, working as a guidance counselor in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcio has been back in Germany for twelve years now and has experience working for international schools and the IB system, as well as the German Gymnasium and Realschule systems. Currently, he teaches Maths, Physics and Religion at Schulzentrum Marienhöhe in Darmstadt, where he is also Head of Realschule.
He is married to Simone, who works in the field of international development.