“Health for All”: The Significance of World Health Day

ADRA’s Efforts for Health in Yemen

In a world marked by the relentless pursuit of health and well-being, World Health Day on April 7 reminds us of how precious and fragile these goods are. “Health is not everything, but without health, everything is nothing,” said the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. These words indeed resonate well with the realities of many people around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO)-initiated Health Day underscores the importance of health and well-being for all people.

The story of Fathiya and her son Jeyad from Yemen vividly illustrates this. Fathiya recounts how her three-year-old son Jeyad fell seriously ill, leaving her desperate and feeling abandoned. The constant diarrhea, vomiting, and rashes greatly weakened the child. In her desperation, she couldn’t afford a doctor until she finally arrived at a hospital supported by ADRA in Yemen, where she finally received help.

This example shows us the unequal healthcare systems around the world. While in wealthier countries, we can access well-equipped healthcare facilities, people in the Global South often struggle for even the most basic medical care. There, not only are facilities and specialized personnel lacking, but also simple medical supplies and medications.

The right to health is a human right. Yet, every day, thousands of people die from preventable and treatable diseases. Children, in particular, are affected, with many dying from diseases like diarrhea, which are often easily treatable here.

Picture: ADRA Yemen is engaged in the health sector to provide people with access to vital medical care. (c) ADRA Yemen.

Hope through Aid Organizations

Organizations like ADRA actively work towards strengthening healthcare and the well-being of people in Global South countries. Through education, prevention, and the provision of medical care, we contribute to saving lives and empowering people.

ADRA’s work in Yemen is an example of our commitment to strengthening healthcare in crisis areas. Since 2015, ADRA has been engaged in Yemen against the effects of a brutal civil war, working to provide people with access to vital medical care. With support from diverse donors such as for example the German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, hospitals are financially and logistically supported to save lives and expand treatment capacities. We provide emergency aid, expand healthcare facilities, train specialized personnel, and improve infrastructure. Additionally, children are a focus. Severely ill children are treated immediately and receive the best possible care because they deserve a healthy start in life. Malnutrition is one of the most commonly diagnosed problems. A life-saving paste or emergency food helps against it. The paste made from peanuts, oil, sugar, and milk powder gives strength to the little bodies and they gain weight. By assisting the people in Yemen in their time of need, ADRA contributes to saving lives and giving hope.

ADRA working in the health sector in Yemen
Picture (c) ADRA Yemen. Children receive nutritional support at ADRA run health centres in Yemen.

To address the global challenges in healthcare, it is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals worldwide to collaborate to build fairer healthcare systems and ensure that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare. This requires not only investments in healthcare facilities and medical personnel but also measures to combat poverty, inequality, and discrimination.

Conclusion: A Collective Commitment to the Right to Health

World Health Day on April 7 provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of health and well-being and to advocate for fairer healthcare systems. By collectively advocating for the right to health for all, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Author: Cedric Vogel, ADRA Germany e.V.. Pictures (c) ADRA Yemen