Hope for Ukraine: ADRA Romania stays with the hard-tried people

Hope for Ukraine: ADRA Romania stays with the hard-tried people

From the beginning of the war until now, Ukrainian refugees entering Romania are helped by the ADRA Romania. The humanitarian assistance for refugees provided by the ADRA Romania teams continues both at the ADRA Romania headquarters, as well as in the transit stations and at the refugee reception centers in the country.

ADRA Romania’s team works constantly to provide food, hygiene kits, clothing, SIM cards, external batteries, medical services for children and mothers, psychological counseling, social assistance, emotional support, medicines, vouchers, accommodation, and transport.

At the same time, within the project “Hope for Ukraine”, social and recreational activities for children and adolescents are implemented.

Those who want to join the ADRA Romania team in the “Hope for Ukraine” project and get involved, can do so by volunteering, through material donations (especially medical products, but also food, hygiene, and clothing), financial donations, SMS donations, or by giving in all Adventist churches in Romania, in an envelope, specifying “ADRA Ukraine”.

Since 2015, both in the country and abroad, ADRA Romania has been implementing the “Hope for Immigrants” project, which supports refugees, immigrants, and emigrants.