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ADRAs help after the flood is in full swing. Thanks to the contributions of our generous donors, ADRA immediately started…
- September 23, 2024·

Go. Love. Serve, in July, 27 young people and 5 staff from across 6 European countries came together in Belgrade,…
- July 26, 2024·

As ADRA Czech celebrated its 20th anniversary of their volunteering program, watch this video where some first hour participants and…
- July 22, 2024·

ADRA supported families in Gaza with food aid. Read here the story of Abed, a father of eight.
- July 15, 2024·

A report from the European Program Directors Forum and European ADRA Forum in Zagreb. From June 19th to 26th, 2024,…
- July 9, 2024·

As the world prepares to observe World Refugee Day 2024, ADRA reaffirms its commitment to bringing attention to the challenges…
- June 20, 2024·