Update Earthquake Morocco

Strengthening Shelter and Livelihoods in Atlas Earthquake Communities

The ADRA Spain team has visited one of the villages most affected by the earthquake of last September in Morocco. Since then, temporary camps and plastic tents have been accommodating entire populations whose homes were destroyed by the 6.8 magnitude earthquake.

Learn more about ADRA Spain’s continuing work in Morocco in this video. Source: https://youtu.be/ceEiJtxhwJo?feature=shared

Villages like this one, located over 1,500 meters above sea level and difficult to access, have been classified as in urgent need. They require temporary shelters before the winter cold further complicates their daily lives. Extreme below-zero temperatures are expected during winter nights.

In the first week of December, Daniel Abad and Marta Ayuso -the team of ADRA Spain in Morocco- visited and identified different villages in the Atlas region where they will focus their efforts on building new temporary shelters.

The second phase of ADRA Spain’s work in Morocco will extend over the next six months and, with the help of all involved donors, will provide medium-term housing solutions, improve hygiene options for these populations, and promote their self-sufficiency.

Through collaborative efforts between ADRA and local partner Al Ofoq, the initiative aims to construct mid-term houses aligned with community needs, including toilet and wash facilities, distribute cattle to affected households that lost their livelihood opportunities, and empower youth through a skill-building program. Prioritizing safety, community involvement, and sustainable practices, this project strives not only to address the immediate needs of beneficiaries to cope with the harsh winter conditions but also to promote resilience and self-sufficiency in earthquake-affected regions of the Atlas Mountains.